Every Texan needs an HVAC system. There’s no ifs, ands, or buts about it. While Texas summers tend to hover around 90º-100º, it’s not unheard of for the state to hit 120º. If you don’t have a high-efficiency air conditioner ready to go when summer rolls around, you’ll not only be uncomfortable, but you could suffer from a heat-related illness like heat exhaustion or a heat stroke.

 Maybe you’re thinking, “that doesn’t apply to me”! Well, if you have a residential HVAC system but it’s ancient and hardly functioning, you’ll likely end up paying a lot more just to cool your space. All the while you’ll probably have a hard time getting the refreshing air to eke out of the vents. So, as a Texas homeowner, if your air conditioner is leaving anything to be desired– do your research and invest in a better system for your property. Today, Superior AC Burleson will give you the rundown so you understand your options as you start shopping around. 

What is an HVAC System?

To ensure you don’t get confused during the decision-making process, let’s go all the way back to the beginning. HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Basically, it takes care of your home’s airflow, climate control, and debris filtration. Some components you may have heard of (or had problems with) may include air filters, air conditioners, vents, furnaces, boilers, and heat pumps. 

Residential HVAC System Options

There are four popular types of residential HVAC systems in Texas, so you can choose what’s right for your home based on your needs and budget. These HVAC systems include split systems, hybrid systems, ductless systems, and packaged systems. All of these systems have their own pros and cons, but hybrid systems are by far the most popular and trusted among Texas homeowners in Burleson, Grapevine, Grand Prairie, Arlington, Cleburne, and Crowley. 

Split systems– This HVAC system is great for homes and businesses alike. This system is called a split system because it has indoor and outdoor components that are connected with copper tubing. Since Texas generally runs pretty warm, most homeowners use heat pumps to heat and cool their homes. In this scenario, the heat pump uses electricity to draw heat from outside (yes, even if it’s cold out) and transfers it indoors where the air can circulate throughout your home. Meanwhile, the interior unit cools the home.

Ductless mini-split systems– This is another popular solution and one of Superior AC Burleson’s specialties. Mini-split systems are perfect for homes with insufficient ductwork that need a heating and cooling system boost without an overhaul. Another benefit of ductless systems is that it’s small and capable of “zoning”. This HVAC solution uses an outside air conditioner to cool your residence and a heat pump that works well for heating and cooling. 

Hybrid system– This is best for homeowners that want the highest efficiency heating and cooling solution 24/7. This residential HVAC system has two different energy sources which keep energy bills low. It also boasts a hybrid electric heater. 

Packaged system– This is a high-quality heating and cooling system that requires less HVAC equipment. We like this heating and cooling system for homes built on a slab foundation because it can be installed outside and doesn’t require a basement or large cabinet spaces to operate. 

Other Factors and Considerations

If budget and efficiency are your top priorities, you may be able to select the perfect HVAC system just by researching the four types we discussed. However, we believe experience and comfort are key factors too. So let’s get into some things you should look for when finding an HVAC system that not only fits your needs but your lifestyle. 

Air quality– If you struggle with conditions like seasonal allergies or asthma, clean air is non-negotiable. Even if you don’t, you still want to minimize breathing in dust particles if you can. Before installing a new system, ask your HVAC technician about the system’s air filtration system and if it includes elements like UV lights.

Heating and cooling capacity– The residential HVAC system you’re looking at might be PERFECT for a studio apartment. But it might now have enough power behind it to cool your big suburban home. If you need to heat or cool a larger area, shoot for a higher BTU (British Thermal Unit). Higher ratings are generally better equipped to handle the stress of controlling large areas. 

Sound– Some units operate as quietly as a whisper while others can wake you out of your sleep! Make sure you know what you’re in for before making a decision. 

Cost or quality– Any heating and cooling system will get the job done at first. But more expensive systems tend to be more efficient and last longer. Decide if you’d rather pay more now or spend more money later on maintenance and repairs. There’s no right answer here, and you should make your decision based on your preference.

Superior AC Residential HVAC System Repair Burleson, TX

All of this information will help you get started, but it’s far from everything. If you need professional insights, look no further than the HVAC technicians at Superior AC Burleson. Our staff is trained, certified, and capable of assessing your property and giving you professional recommendations. We can also answer any questions you may still have. Just give us a call and we can work through it together.

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When you choose our team to install a new furnace for your home, you can rest assured that the technician sent to assist you is a highly trained expert who will ensure 100% satisfaction. We are always happy to recommend the most affordable and effective solutions for your home or office. Ask us about any of our services today!

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