You’ve tried turning off your HVAC unit while the family is away for work or school. You’re not cranking the AC excessively to beat the Texas heat. Heck, you’ve even tried barricading your windows with heavy curtains during the day to trap the coolness inside. So, why is your energy bill so freaking high? While you could be doing everything right, your HVAC unit might just be failing due to age or an underlying problem. Today, Superior AC & Heat in Burleson, TX will go over some telltale warning signs that you need HVAC maintenance or repairs

It feels humid inside

You’re not supposed to feel clammy inside, especially when the air conditioner is running. Your HVAC unit’s evaporator coils are supposed to pull all of that excess moisture and condensation out of the air. So if you’re sticking to the kitchen chairs at dinner time or breathing feels kind of funky, call an HVAC technician to check your refrigerant levels and inspect your unit’s overall function. But don’t wait too long, many Burleson homeowners just set their thermostats even lower when they start feeling humidity. All this does is make your air conditioner work harder, causing your energy bill to skyrocket. 

Temperature varies by room

There are a lot of components that need to function properly to evenly distribute air throughout your home. If you’re noticing that one room is particularly hot, while another has you shivering, that could mean you’re dealing with a design problem. (Hint: The fact that one room is freezing is also a sign that your air conditioner is running at full blast– even if you don’t always feel it.) If vents aren’t the problem, the blower, handler, or ductwork probably just needs some maintenance. Simply by scheduling regular HVAC maintenance visits, Superior AC Repair Burleson can keep your system clean and working efficiently, lowering your energy bill. 

You’re heating and cooling the entire house

Many older HVAC systems have one thermostat to control the entire house’s temperature. This can get costly fast, especially if you have a large home. To lower your electric bill, you can invest in an air conditioner zone system. That way you’re not cooling your kids’ bedroom while they’re away at college for 9 months, or the entire upstairs if you spend most of your time on the ground floor. This cost-saving heating and cooling solution is pretty simple. Only pay for the areas you’re actually using to lower the energy bill. 

Texas energy bills can get crazy

Texas offers Burleson residents the option for wholesale pricing. Typically, this means homeowners enjoy lower rates throughout the year. Unfortunately, these prices fluctuate based on demand. So on particularly hot summer days, or when we run into freezing temperatures like the ones Winter Storm Uri brought in early 2021, you may be on the line for a soaring electricity bill. While your energy bill may be higher due to strain on Texas’ power grid, it could also be a consequence of an inefficient heating system. The general theme you’ll see here is that the harder your system has to work, the higher your energy bill will be.

Burleson AC repair

Superior AC & Heating is one of the top HVAC repair specialists based in Burleson, Texas. Our team specializes in commercial and residential HVAC repairs and maintenance. We’re proud to offer these services because we help families stay comfortable and businesses to lower operation costs by improving their HVAC unit’s cooling and heating efficiency. Contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation. We’ll send out one of our certified HVAC technicians to assess your furnace, air conditioner, vents, and ductwork and create a custom plan for increasing its efficiency. 

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