Since the winter months are here and people around you are getting sick more often, you are probably spending more time indoors than usual. Staying at home may sound like the safest and coziest bet, but have you checked your indoor air quality yet? Just like everything else in your home, your air quality needs to be regularly maintained. Indoor allergens can trigger repository problems, and other debris can affect your health. Superior AC & Heat has come up with 4 tips that you can follow to improve your indoor air quality and make a healthier home.

Change Your Filters Regularly

Your air filters need to be changed at least once every three months. However, if you have furry pets, we recommend changing your filter once a month. These filters play a big factor in your air quality. In order to cut down on air pollution, these need to be cleaned as often as possible. If not, the particles and debris will travel around your home when your air conditioning unit or heater is on.

The best type of air filter is the HEPA filter. It catches smoke, dust, pollen, allergens, and other particles more efficiently than other filters. Don’t forget to change your vacuum filters regularly as well.

Clean Your Home 

The best, natural way to keep your air clean is by cleaning your home once or twice a week. This includes your bedding, curtains, towels, and other fabrics to remove any debris lying around your home. If you have carpets and rugs, vacuum them regularly. If you have wood, tile, or laminate flooring, sweep and mop at least once or twice a week.

Avoid having trash and clutter around your home, and use special covers on your mattress, pillows, cushions, etc., that are dustproof.

Keep Your Plants Outdoors

Although having your plants indoors is aesthetically pleasing and they release oxygen which can improve indoor air quality, plants are allergy triggers for many people. Plants can grow and foster mold, so if allergens are a problem, this could be a root cause.

Invest in An Air Purifier

Air purifiers can trap some of the irritants that trigger allergies. You can cut down a good amount of allergens in the air with this system. Luckily for you, Superior AC & Heat are experts in installing air purification systems. Our systems can do many things for your home and its residents. 

Consider installing an air purification system if anyone has asthma or a respiratory problem If you have pets and one of you is allergic to them, if someone smokes, or if you want to get rid of unpleasant odors, our system is the solution.

Keep Your Home Fresh and Healthy

Don’t jeopardize your family’s health. One of the most important aspects of a home is clean air. You are breathing 24/7, and if you are home more often than usual, you want to invest in good indoor air quality. When you team up with Superior AC & Heat, you are protecting your family’s health and increasing your comfort. Get in touch with us today, to get started!

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