HVAC Duct Noises and What They Mean

HVAC systems are crucial for maintaining a comfortable environment in our homes and offices. However, like any other mechanical system, they are prone to wear and tear. One common sign of a problem in your HVAC system is unusual noises coming from the ducts. Let’s review the different types of HVAC duct noises, what they mean, and what you can do to address them. As professional HVAC technicians, we usually recommend calling a trusted HVAC team like us to take the guesswork out of it and ensure a proper solution the first try. It can prevent a lot of unnecessary work and expense.

Whistling or Hissing

If you hear a whistling or hissing noise coming from your HVAC ducts, it usually indicates air escaping from small holes or cracks in the ductwork. This issue can lead to inefficient operation of your HVAC system and increased energy bills. It is essential to address this issue promptly by sealing the holes or cracks in the ductwork.


A rattling noise can be caused by loose ductwork or vents that need to be secured properly. It may also indicate debris, such as small objects or loose screws, inside the ducts. To address this issue, secure the ductwork and vents properly and clean the ducts to remove any debris.


A popping sound is often heard when the ductwork expands and contracts due to temperature changes. While this is normal to some extent, excessively loud popping noises might indicate that the ducts are not properly insulated or secured. To address this issue, ensure proper insulation and securing of the ducts.

hvac duct noises

Banging or Clanging

Banging or clanging noises can occur when there are large loose parts in the ductwork, or when the ducts are too large, causing them to flex and bang against each other or other parts of the structure. To address this issue, secure the loose parts and replace the ducts if necessary.

Screeching or Squealing

A screeching or squealing noise usually indicates a problem with the HVAC blower motor, such as a loose belt or a failing motor. However, if it seems to be coming from the ducts themselves, it could be due to parts of the ductwork rubbing against each other. To address this issue, fix or replace the blower motor and secure the ductwork properly.


A humming noise can indicate an electrical issue, possibly with the HVAC system’s transformer or blower motor. It may also indicate a minor obstruction in the ducts that is causing a disturbance in the airflow. To address this issue, consult a professional to fix the electrical issue and remove the obstruction in the ducts.


A clicking noise can indicate an electrical issue, similar to humming. It’s essential to address this issue promptly to avoid potential electrical hazards. Consult a professional to fix the electrical issue.

What To Do When You Hear Your HVAC System Making Noise

Unusual noises coming from your HVAC ducts can indicate various issues, from minor obstructions to potential electrical hazards. It is crucial to address these noises promptly to ensure the efficient operation of your HVAC system and avoid costly repairs in the long run. If you are unsure about the cause of a noise or how to address it, it is always best to consult one of our experienced HVAC technicians. They can perform a thorough inspection of your HVAC system and address any issues appropriately.

We hear many stories about people in the Burleson and Fort Worth area calling for HVAC issues and the repair techs that come out end up providing multiple “solutions” that don’t work and charging an arm and a leg while doing it. Call us. We hire the best in the area and bring experienced technicians in to guarantee quality work every time.

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