Thanksgiving is one week from today, and if you are in charge of hosting Thanksgiving this year, you have a lot going on in your home right about now. From prepping some of the meals to decorating your home, you need about 20 hands by your side. Superior AC & Heat would love to help you out with preparation! We have covered 5 tips to ensure that your HVAC system is running efficiently and not costing you any extra expenses this holiday season. 

Change Your Air Filter

Along with all the cleaning and prepping, make sure you make some time to change the dirty air filter. Dirty filters make your HVAC system work harder to keep your home warm and cozy. Since you are hosting, it’s a good idea to change the filter before your guests arrive. This ensures that your guests will be breathing in clean air, and that your HVAC system isn’t overworked. 

Dust Your Home and Air Vents

These tasks go along with changing your air filter. Get rid of as much dust in your home, so your air is fresher. Dust clogs up your air vents, so you want to get rid of as much of it as possible, so there’s less strain on your HVAC system. 

Install Exhaust Fans

Hosting Thanksgiving means there will be lots of cooking involved. Baking pies, boiling eggs, roasting the turkey, all of these scenarios will increase the humidity in your home. An exhaust fan will keep the air circulating and keep the humidity from taking over your home. This in return, will save you air conditioning costs and leave a comfortable atmosphere for your guests.

Lower the Temperature

Cooking and baking will make your home hot. Before your guests get there, drop your temperature a degree or two. You could even drop the temperature before you start baking. The turkey has spent over three hours in the oven, so odds are it’s getting a little stuffy. Not to mention, a crowd of people can make the space feel stuffy too.

Get a Professional HVAC Inspection

To ensure that your HVAC system is working properly, schedule a professional inspection. You will avoid any HVAC disasters on the day of the feast. Superior AC & Heat can provide a thorough inspection, which includes checking the thermostat, duct, airflow, and conducting a safety control test.

If we find any issues with your HVAC system, we can repair them or replace any of the parts if needed. We highly recommend regular maintenance as well. The holiday season gets very busy, and when you consistently maintain your HVAC system, you don’t need to worry about a breakdown before Thanksgiving. 

Superior AC & Heat Has Your Back

So, if you are hosting Thanksgiving this year, we’ll help your feast go smoothly. While you divert your time and energy in meal preparation and decorating, Superior AC & Heat will take care of your HVAC system. We will ensure that it works efficiently and keeps your home at a reasonable temperature without feasting on your pockets. Get in touch with us today, to schedule the next available appointment!

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