Fall is upon us, and you can finally give your air conditioner a break. It has most likely been running non-stop since before June. With cooler nights, you can take this opportunity to let your air conditioner have some reprieve.

It is not quite cool enough to not use it when you are home during the day, as the temperatures are still reaching 90 degrees, but there is still so much you can do to give it a rest. Simple things like maximizing efficiency in your home and closing the blinds can really help you save on energy and make your air conditioner last longer.

Here are a few things you can do to stay comfortable while you give your air conditioner a break.

Stay Comfortable

You can still stay comfortable while you run your air conditioner as little as possible. We recommend cracking the windows open just a little to let the cooler evening air creep in. This can cool you down to a comfortable temperature while you give your air conditioner a break. 

During the day, when the temperature creeps back up, you can close the blinds to keep the sun out. Blocking out the sun by keeping the blinds closed is a very easy and efficient way to stay comfortable without running the air conditioner. 

Don’t Forget To Hydrate 

Hydration is very important year-round. Just because it is not 100 degrees every day and you may not be as thirsty, hydration is equally important. Hydrating keeps you feeling cooler, so when you hydrate you can avoid the need to turn the air conditioner on. 

Not to mention, hydration is essential to your overall health. Go grab a glass of cool water while you read through the rest of the tips to save on energy and give your air conditioner a break.

Maximize AC Efficiency

You can give your air conditioner a break by maximizing efficiency. For example, keep your thermostat set a few degrees higher than normal while you are out of the house. Even for a quick errand, just a few minutes of reprieve can allow your air conditioner to rest while it’s not needing to run at full power.

Use high-energy and high-heat appliances in the cooler parts of the day. Wait to bake cookies at 8 pm instead of 2 pm, and don’t forget to turn the oven off right after you take your fresh treats out of the oven.

Turn the fans on to keep cool air circulating. This will extend the amount of time you can stay comfortable without the air on full blast. Fans use significantly less energy too, so come time to pay your electric bill, you will be thanking yourself.

This one is semi-controversial, use as little hot water as possible. You probably love your long hot showers, but this is a massive waste of energy and creates a ton of heat in your home. You can save energy and reduce the amount of time you need to run your air conditioner by reducing the time in the shower and by turning it down just a few degrees. 

Call Superior AC For Fall Tune-Ups

You can also keep your air conditioner working for many more years with regular maintenance. Fall is upon us and along with it comes a reprieve from the heat. Take advantage of this cooler weather and maximize efficiency. Call Superior AC and Heat for a tune-up. You can give your air conditioner a break, and give yourself one too while you’re at it with these tips. You will thank yourself for the money saved.

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